Buddhist advice on love

The Buddhist approach to love with a holistic perspective. Learn the importance of compassion, patience, and spreading love for fulfilling relationships and a better world. Embrace kindness, forgiveness, and generosity to nurture successful connections. Dive into the wisdom of Buddhism for navigating the intricacies of love and life.

When it comes to love, Buddhists believe in taking a holistic approach In other words, love is something you do for your partner. There is nothing unexciting about this. On the contrary, it is incredibly exciting, because life is about actions, not feelings. The most important advice that Buddhists have about love is to practice … Read more

Buddhism lessons for your inner peace

Buddhist teachings for inner peace and mindfulness. Embrace change, release attachments, and live in the present moment for a fulfilling life. #Buddhism #InnerPeace #Mindfulness"

We all have moments of feeling stressed, anxious, or angry That’s part of the human condition. But when it stretches out into days or even weeks and months, it’s time to get in touch with your inner Buddha. The key to Buddhism is that all our suffering arises because of this attachment to what is … Read more

Buddha’s best phrases about love

Timeless wisdom on love from Buddha's teachings. Explore profound phrases that inspire compassion, self-love, and mindfulness. Find inner peace with Buddha's words.

Buddha was a great philosopher and teacher whose words of wisdom still resonate with people today. Here are some of his best phrases about love: “To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” “Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it.” “In the end, … Read more

Buddha and the cat, buddhist teaching

Discover the heartwarming tale of the cat who saved the Buddha in this Buddhist story of compassion and interconnectedness. Learn the lesson of kindness towards all beings.

In Buddhism, there is a story about a cat who saved the life of the Buddha. The Buddha was meditating under a tree when a hungry lion approached him. The Buddha remained calm and unafraid, and the lion left him alone. Later, a cat saw the lion approaching the Buddha again and ran to warn … Read more

Breathing according to the Hindu Yogis

The transformative benefits of Ujjayi breathing, a Pranayama technique practiced by Hindu Yogis for centuries. Learn how Ujjayi breathing can calm the nervous system, relieve stress, and enhance respiratory function. Embrace ancient wisdom for modern wellness.

The Power of Breath: Exploring the Wisdom of Hindu Yogis Breathing is the source of life, the crucible of existence. Seeking to uncover its mysteries and exploit its secrets, Yogis have pursued the art of breathing for millennia. Almost all the esoteric philosophies contained in Hindu Yogic texts and stories focus disproportionately on breathing methods … Read more

Being happy according to Buddhist teachings

Discover true happiness within yourself with the Buddha's teachings. Let go of attachment and find balance. Learn more about the path to lasting happiness. Image: Buddha statue meditating.

What Does it Mean to be Truly Happy? This is a question as old as humanity itself. Many people have had opinions about what it takes to be happy, but few have been as explicit as the Buddha. The Buddha’s teachings on how to be happy were clear and concrete. According to the Buddha, true … Read more

Basic energy protection guide

Discover essential energy protection techniques for safeguarding your well-being. Learn to shield against negative influences and cultivate vitality in your life. Start your journey to energetic health today!

Your Essential Guide to Energy Protection: Safeguarding Your Well-Being These days, when the world feels noisy and chaotic, energy and well-being become even more precious and worth protecting. We keep our helmets on to protect our heads from accidental bumps and our bodies safe from a crash. We take vitamins to safeguard our organs and … Read more

Advice from the greatest sages on earth

Tap into the wisdom of the ages with life advice from the world's sages. Learn to live joyfully, embrace new experiences, and prioritize self-care for a fulfilling life.

When it comes to life advice, who better to listen to than the wisest sages on earth? These are the people who have lived long and experienced life to the fullest. They know what works and what doesn’t. Here is some advice from the greatest sages on earth: Don’t take life too seriously. Life is … Read more

Advice and wisdom from Atisha

Discover wisdom from Atisha, the 11th-century Buddhist teacher, on love and compassion. Learn how these virtues can bring happiness and fulfillment to your life. Find guidance for a more meaningful existence.

Atisha was a Buddhist teacher who lived in India in the 11th century. He is known for his teaching on the importance of love and compassion in our lives. Here are some pieces of advice and wisdom from Atisha that can help us to live happier and more fulfilled lives: 1. “If we have no … Read more

Achieving peace through inner peace

Discover the path to inner peace and well-being. Learn mindfulness, gratitude, and nature practices to reduce stress and enhance your life. Achieve true serenity today!

Understanding Inner Peace In our modern busy world, where demands, distractions, and stresses keep us running through our days, seeking inner peace can often feel like a mysterious, unobtainable goal. True inner peace isn’t just something we can hope for by changing the external conditions of our lives. It begins from within us. When you … Read more