Buddhist advice on love

When it comes to love, Buddhists believe in taking a holistic approach

In other words, love is something you do for your partner. There is nothing unexciting about this. On the contrary, it is incredibly exciting, because life is about actions, not feelings.

The most important advice that Buddhists have about love is to practice compassion

This – being charitable, forgiving, being willing to turn the other cheek when things go awry; willing to extend the same generosity to others that we like – determines whether or not a relationship succeeds. Embracing this loving, humane calibration is the one and only way to navigate the intricacies and uncertainties of how to live.

Another important aspect of love is patience

This of course, means that you can’t expect things to happen as soon as you want them to. Love, like everything else in the world, takes time.

Ultimately, Buddhists see love as something to be spread. When you embrace love, you should not feel shy about sharing your love to make the world a better place.


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