Basic energy protection guide

Your Essential Guide to Energy Protection: Safeguarding Your Well-Being

These days, when the world feels noisy and chaotic, energy and well-being become even more precious and worth protecting. We keep our helmets on to protect our heads from accidental bumps and our bodies safe from a crash. We take vitamins to safeguard our organs and systems, and stop a deficiency from passing a tipping point. It turns out our energy is no mere luxury, but requires protection too. Energy protection practices and techniques help shield us from negative energy, influences and vibrations that weak residents andouriously devour our energy and well-being. You may even wish to consider implementing energy protection as a philosophy and practise of life, whether you are sensitive to energies or not.

Understanding Energy Protection

Energy protection is premised on the belief that everything is energy and energy can be targeted in numerous ways, such as through thought, emotion, environment and more. It is understood that we can protect ourselves from intrusions of a physical nature, such using sunscreen or wearing seat belts, so we can also take preventative measures of energetic ‘semi-permeability’ to safeguard our energetic health.

  • Common Sources of Negative Energy
  • Negative energy can come from various sources, including:
  • Negative People: Individuals who constantly complain, criticize, or drain your energy.
  • Stressful Environments: Places with high levels of stress, tension, or conflict.
  • Electromagnetic Radiation: Exposure to electromagnetic fields from electronic devices.
  • Negative Thoughts and Feelings: we draw negative energy towards us through our own negative thoughts, feelings and beliefs.
  • Spiritual Attachments: Entities or energies that may attach themselves to us, draining our energy.
  • Effective Energy Protection Techniques

Grounding: Grounding practices can ground us in the earth’s vital current, giving us a feeling of being more solid and centred. This can be something as simple as walking barefoot on the earth, digging in the dirt with your hands, gardening, or imagining roots growing from your feet into the earth.

Shielding: Picturing yourself inside a protective shield or bubble of light can be helpful in repelling negative energies. The shield can be thought of as a kind of force-field, a field of light that keeps out anything you don’t want to come into your space.

Clearing: Something you’d do before thougthwork, clearing can be any technique you’ve implemented to cleanse your body and your environment from what you see and sense of negative energy. Some examples are smudging (with smudge sticks of sage or other clearing herbs), sound healing (with singing bowls, bells, or other sound healing instruments), or taking a cleansing bath with sea salt or essential oils.

Boundaries: Create an aura of energetic protection around yourself. In order to help maintain good boundaries, you must learn to say no to activities, people or situations that require you to put another before yourself when you are already tired or drained.

Energetic Hygiene (also known as auric hygiene): Just as we practise hygiene with our physical bodies so that they are clean, we can also practise energetic hygiene with the energy field so that our vital life-energy is easy to access and circulates as it should. This could include meditation, energy healing or aura cleansing techniques.

Maintaining Energy Protection

Energy protection is not a one-time, do-it-and-forget-it type of task: it’s a practice that you must continue to attend to if you wish to have optimal energetic health. Here are a few useful tips to ensure that your energetic field is properly protected.

  • Regular Maintenance: Make energy protection a regular part of your schedule, like brushing your teeth or exercising.
  • Self-Care: Prioritize self-care activities that nourish your body, mind, and spirit.
  • Awareness: Be mindful of your thoughts, emotions and environment, and make adjustments to keep your energy safe.
  • Surround Yourself with Positivity: Spend your time and energy with people, places, and things that are good for your spirit.
  • Take Action: Trust your intuition when it comes to energy protection, and do not wait around or ignore it if you feel something harmful coming your way.

With regular practice of these energy protection tools, you can engender an aura of cheerfulness and vitality that can help you move effortlessly through the storms of life. When you harness your ability to protect your energy, you can switch on the power that enables you to live your life free of slumber and stagnation.

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