Advice and wisdom from Atisha

Atisha was a Buddhist teacher who lived in India in the 11th century. He is known for his teaching on the importance of love and compassion in our lives. Here are some pieces of advice and wisdom from Atisha that can help us to live happier and more fulfilled lives:

1. “If we have no love or compassion for others, then no matter how much we may know about the Dharma, we will not be able to awaken our true Buddha nature.”

2. “Even if we are expert in all the scriptures and philosophies, but do not have love and compassion for others, we will not be able to benefit them.”

3. “If we want to progress on the path to enlightenment, we must develop love and compassion for all sentient beings, regardless of whether they are our friends or enemies.”

4. “The greatest gift we can give to others is our own happiness.”

5. “When we have love and compassion for others, we will naturally be more patient with them and be able to see their good qualities more easily.”

6. “It is through our love and compassion that we can really help others, not through our knowledge or our philosophical debating.”

7. “If we have love and compassion in our hearts, then even if we make mistakes, they will be forgiven and washed away.”

8. “It is not enough to just have love and compassion in our hearts; we must also express it through our words and deeds.”

9. “When we have love and compassion for others, we will be able to see their Buddha nature, even if they are still caught up in their delusions.”

10. “It is only through love and compassion that we can hope to achieve true peace in the world.”

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