We all have our favorite phrases that we use on a daily basis
Others of us apply them so routinely, we barely even notice we’re doing it. And yet others of us are more strategic with our lexicon, choosing certain phrases as tools to elicit certain responses.
Whether you’re into sexy, badass or cynical, chances are we can all agree on something: sometimes there are sayings that feel really good to say. They make us smile, laugh, or sometimes cry. They can be motivational, inspirational or just plain silly.
Here are some of our favorite phrases:
- “You got this!”
For those of you who have ever found yourselves teetering on the brink of confidence, this phrase is for you to give yourself (or others) a much-needed encouragement. You’ve got this.
- “I believe in you.”
The reason this is such a powerful phrase is that it expresses confidence in the person you’re talking to, and reflects faith in her ability to succeed. It’s the right thing to say to a friend who is facing a challenge or set off on an adventure.
- “Everything happens for a reason.”
This is a good, reassuring way to phrase it, because in times of turmoil or mystery, it feels like there is a larger Design that’s invisible to us.
- “Just keep swimming.”
That’s one of those lines from the animated movie Finding Nemo. But, really, it’s true. No matter how far out of reach your goal seems, you should just keep swimming.
- “I’m proud of you.”
It is a lovely little phrase of encouragement that tells someone you appreciate them. But it also tells the person you have done something good. It is a phenomenal self-esteem builder and may show someone that you believe in them.
Have you ever found yourself repeating a favourite figure of speech a little too often? Please share it with us in the comments below.