Keys to achieve the state of inner peace

Unlocking Inner Peace: The Key Steps Towards Serenity

With our buzzy, deadline-driven and technology-dominated lives today, it can seem that we are a long way away from finding moments of peace in our lives. Despite this, the ability to feel inner peace is a powerful and passionate desire that can be deeply felt by almost everyone. The ability to thrive in all aspects of your life, especially while going through the ups and downs of work relationships, is well supported by having a centre of inner peace to take you through the day. This practical guide to finding wellbeing within your own mind will help you take the steps towards inner peace.

Understanding Inner Peace

But before I can go into how to achieve it, I first need to describe what inner peace is. You’ve probably all heard of it by now as it comes up frequently in pop-psychology and does NOT mean the absence of conflict or abnormal stress (though it certainly helps). It is more like the experience of harmony, joy and equanimity achieved by anchoring oneself in the rhythm of life in the present moment, cultivating sharp self-awareness, empathy and compassion.

The Keys to Inner Peace

The path to inner peace needs the integration of the cognitive, behavioural and spiritual parts of ourselves. Here are some of the major ways to cultivate inner peace.

1. Practice Mindfulness Meditation

If, during the day, you find your mind is full of worries and fearful thoughts, you can use mindfulness meditation to quieten the mind and feel at peace with the world. A daily practice of sitting quietly for a couple of minutes with your attention on your breathing or body sensations helps us to avoid stress, anxiety and rumination. Every time we manage it, we can breathe a little more easily, as long as we remember to bring awareness to what we’re experiencing at this moment. Gradually, we find ourselves becoming clearer and – perhaps most of all – calmer within.

2. Cultivate Gratitude

As you build your resilience to negativity with gratitude, aim to reflect every day on something that you are thankful for. Maybe it’s the warmth of the sun on your face that allows you to survive longer. Perhaps it’s the laughter of a loved one, or simply thankfulness for waking up to another day. Maintaining a gratitude practice will help you focus on what you have, rather than what you think you need, and nurture a deep spiritual wellness.

3. Embrace Acceptance

The fourth step on your path to peace is radical acceptance. The ability to let things be exactly as they are, without resistance or ruminating, is a cornerstone of inner peace. Radical acceptance is not the same as passive resignation. It involves meeting reality calmly, without resistance, while recognising that what is outside your control. When you release your attachment to how you wish something to be, it empowers you to handle current circumstances with wisdom and grace. In radical acceptance is freedom.

4. Prioritize Self-Care

Tending to your own physical, emotional and mental wellbeing is another way to care for inner peace. Engage in activities that restore and recharge you – proper rest, nourishing foods, exercise and physical activity, connecting with nature. When you honour your needs and maintain your boundaries, you are cultivating a healthy foundation for the flourishing of inner peace.

5. Cultivate Compassion

One of my favourite ways to get into this state is to practise compassion – both for one’s own self and for others. Start by getting gentle with yourself – be the voice of kindness, understanding and forgiveness. Cultivate a sense of carrying wellbeing toward yourself, silently wishing yourself all the best. You’re trying your best and are doing all that you can with whatever resources you have. Once you have a bit of that feeling on your side, extend the same compassion to all others – think of them as a conditioned human being whose mind is wounded and who is doing the best that he/she/they can, with the best of intentions, but who is stuck in a tangled and distressing experience just as you are – and see that it’s all very understandable, compassionate and very much like your own experience. The more you cultivate this heart of compassion, the greater the sense of sympathetic resonance with the world will dawn upon you.

6. Engage in Meaningful Connections

Nurture the bonds of friendship with others. Overall, human connection brings the greatest sense of cium, of being fully alive and at ease with yourself. Spend time with your loved ones, tell them you appreciate them, listen to them. Find communities of people who can inspire you with their shared aspirations and values.

7. Live with Purpose

We would all do well to engage in some reflection on this from time to time, to ensure that you live your life with purpose and meaning, and that your actions arise from your deepest valuing and aspirations. And so, the last piece of the puzzle of inner peace relates to living a life of purpose, ensuring that your actions and activities are in harmony with your deeper values and aspirations. Creative pursuits, contributing beyond oneself in the world, and acts of generosity directed toward others are all ways to infuse our lives with meaning that, in turn, contribute to that fuller and deeper sense of inner peace.


An inner peace journey is not always easy. It requires effort, carefulness and commitment, on a daily basis. If you’ve been searching for inner peace, here are the key strategies. It has been a real journey. Even now, I am still engaging in the process. The moment you stop practicing on any given issue, the problem will return. Don’t be in a rush though. Inner peace is not a destination. Rather, it is a journey, one beat at a time. And, the closer you are to your heart, the more you will experience the beauty and pain of everyday living. I wish you a beautiful heart journey.

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